Sunday, April 13, 2008

What I've Been Up To Lately

... Does not include novelling. I'm feeling bad about that.

On the plus side, hubby and I are now the shareholders, directors, officers and will soon be employees (beginning July 1) of a new corporate entity. And our 2007 taxes have been signed, paid, and mailed. It was the "paid" part that hurt: flip side to having had a really good year is way underpaying quarterly estimated. Ouch. Have done some analysis of gross profit percentages and fun stuff like that to keep scary year-end tax bill surprises at bay next time around. I hope. Incorporating is supposed to help with that.

All of this has been a major distraction. You'd think spending too much time on number stuff lately would make novelling a pleasing alternative, but I've felt locked into left brain mode. One of these days I need to see if I can remember who my characters are and what they're supposed to be doing.

I had the idea that when (as so often seems to happen) I have no progress on the novel front to report, I could share news of what books I've been reading (instead of writing). Maybe not. Here's what's been on top of my current reading pile:
1) Incorporate Your Business
2) Bookkeeping for Dummies
3) QuickBooks Pro: The Missing Manual

I'm thrilled to have these helpful tomes on hand, for business purposes, but their entertainment value is nonexistent. Fortunately, I've got Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich right here by my side. I picked it up at Borders about a month ago to be my reward for getting the incorporating/taxes tasks done. And done they are, so, while it's true that I am feeling increasingly guilty every day about how much novelling is not happening around here, my afternoon plans include time in a deck chair with someone else's book in my lap.