Monday, March 24, 2008

Attention Diversion

I've been even more distracted from novelling than usual lately. On the non-novelling front, we are about to split off all of our non-publishing business activities into a separate corporation. Not terrifically difficult to do, but gathering/presenting/discussing financial info and options with a new accountant (on top of wrapping up '07 results for tax season) has seriously diverted my attention from right-brain creative stuff to left-brain number stuff. Next up, I have to learn how to use QuickBooksPro and get it all customized and set up for the new business. Soon, too. Can't say I haven't seen that one coming for a while, but the days of putting it off are officially over.

In other words, I haven't written squat in over a week, but have continued a little bit of playing around with the alternative POV/voice/narration to fit in/around/between 1st person. Just fell (again) for "why don't I order a few more books about writing from Amazon if I feel stuck". In the same spirit (pun intended) I decided, if I'm going to have a ghost in my novel, it would be nice to read "the Lovely Bones" again, so that's on hold for me at the library as soon as I get around to picking it up.

So much easier to read about writing than to discipline the brain and butt to work in gear and stick to the chair seat (butt) long enough to write something (brain).

Dream of having fairly polished novel done by b'day #50 has been downgraded to "maybe I can at least fill in the plot holes and buff it up a bit by then." Hope springs eternal, and all that.

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