Monday, March 10, 2008

Too much "not writing" going on around here

Seven months and 10 days until I turn 50.

If I'm gonna have any hope of meeting my goal of completing a (reasonably polished) draft of a novel by then, I'd better stop slacking off and get with it...

So I've decided to go public with my efforts. Fingers crossed that regular updates here will inspire me to keep plugging away at it at a more regular basis.

Not that I'm starting from a blank page. Far from it. I have two years of National Novel Writing Month efforts to pull together (and slash and burn) into some kind of shape. So far there's lots of good stuff heaped up, but still too many:
- Plot holes large enough to swallow small planets
- POV decisions not yet made
- Characters stubbornly refusing to be named
- Scenes, paragraphs, sentences and extraneous words destined for deadly encounters with the delete key

... and, last but first: too many days passing without any kind of novelling activity whatsoever going on.

How is it that I allow so many other things to distract me from this long-held dream???

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